
Aithed Muire re Dub Ruis (lost)

Incoming data

The catalogue entry for this text has not been published as yet. Until then, a selection of data is made available below.

An early Irish tale known from the Middle Irish tale-lists (both A and B) but now lost. Its contents are unknown. A Dub Ruis appears in later narratives concerning his love affair with the Munster princess Mis but their relationship to the present text cannot be established.


Secondary sources (select)

Mac Cana, Proinsias, The learned tales of medieval Ireland, Dublin: DIAS, 1980.
46 (tale–list A), 57 (tale–list B)
Mac Cana, Proinsias, “Aspects of the theme of king and goddess in Irish literature (suite)”, Études Celtiques 7:2 (1956, 1955–1956): 356–413.
Persée – Études Celtiques, vol. 7, fascicule 1, 1955: <link> Persée – Études Celtiques, vol 7, fascicule 2, 1956: <link>